Author Azar Nafisi
“Imagination in these works is equated with empathy; we can't experience all that others have gone through, but we can understand even the most monstrous individuals in works of fiction. A good novel is one that shows the complexity of individuals, and creates enough space for all these characters to have a voice; in this way a novel is called democratic—not that it advocates democracy but that by nature it is so.”
Azar Nafisi, Reading Lolita in Tehran
Azar Nafisi is the critically acclaimed author of Reading Lolita in Tehran, a New York Times bestseller that is published in thirty-two languages. Nafisi is also known for her other works including, Things I’ve Been Silent About, Republic of Imagination, and That Other World: Nabokov and the Puzzle of Exile. She has held various teaching posts across the world including at Johns Hopkins University, Oxford University, and Free Islamic University and Allameh Tabatabai. She now resides in Washington D.C.
Below is a list of Nafisi’s published works. You can find more information about the books on the “Book” page